CIB pdf toolbox technical guide (EN)

14. Internal modules in detail

14.3. CIB pdfmodule

Example of Jobsteps to control the CIB pdfModule


(Since CIB pdf toolbox Version 1.20.0, CIB pdfModule Version 1.3.0)

The CIB pdfModule is a new development of a PDF module which has a significantly improved runtime behavior (on average less than 2% of the runtime of CIB pdf toolbox) and a significantly reduced memory consumption compared to CIB pdf toolbox.

The size of the output files can be reduced considerably and also merging several 1000 PDF files is no problem.

In the future all major new features will be developed in this module.

The CIB pdfModule can be controlled via the interface of the CIB pdf toolbox, but the binaries of the CIB pdfModule are required. To use this module you have to use the properties in addition to API=2. These are described in the CIB pdfModule Technical Guide.

It is also possible to use CIB pdfModule independently without the control by the CIB pdf toolbox. This is also described in the CIB pdfModule Technical Guide.






This property can be used to control whether the library of the CIB pdfModule is loaded.

Possible values:


1        Default: The CIB pdf toolbox executes the job.


2        The CIB pdf toolbox becomes a wrapper for the new CIB pdfModule. This means that the CIB pdf toolbox does not execute the task itself, but the library of the CIB pdfModule is loaded and takes over the execution.
In this case, only properties that belong to the functional scope of the CIB pdfModule are evaluated and executed.


Example of Jobsteps to control the CIB pdfModule

Join 2 PDF documents, output of a compressed PDF in PDF/A format

<job expected-result-code=”0” id=”” name=”TestJob” timeout=”0”>
<property name=”OutputMode”>XML</property>
<step command=”pdfjoin” expected-result-code=”0” name=”join” timeout=”0”>
<property name=”InputFilename”>input1.pdf;input2.pdf</property>
<property name=”LicenseCompany”>testlizenz</property>
<property name=”LicenseKey”>dddd-3333-9999aaaa</property>
<property name=”API”>2</property> 
<property name=”WritingMode”>XrefStream</property>
<property name=”MergePdfAConform”>1</property>
<property name=”GenericFormfieldNamePrefix”>1</property>
<property name=”RegenerateFormFieldAppearences”>1</property>
<property name=”DetectDuplicateStreams”>1</property>
<step command=”save” expected-result-code=”0” name=”save” timeout=”0”>      
<property name=”OutputFilename”>./out.pdf</property>