CIB ocr technical manual (EN)
Site: | CIB eLearning |
Course: | CIB ocr |
Book: | CIB ocr technical manual (EN) |
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Date: | Friday, 28 February 2025, 2:52 AM |
Table of contents
- 1. Scope of Delivery
- 2. Introduction
- 3. Usecase: Calling CIB OCR via CIB runshell
- 4. Usecase: Calling CIB ocr Via CIB pdf toolbox
- 5. Usecase: Calling CIB ocr Via CIB job/CIB documentServer
- 6. General properties
- 7. Properties Text-Recognition
- 8. Properties Text-Recognition with deepER
- 9. Properties Barcode-Recognition
- 10. Properties Word-Recognition
- 11. Technical interface: Native functions
- 12. JNI Interface
- 13. Error Codes
- 14. Trace
1. Scope of Delivery
CIB ocr is delivered as a binary module, in the form of DLLs for Windows or shared libraries (Unix).
Komponente |
Softwareumfang |
CIB ocr |
Tesseract-language package |
Hunspell dictionary |
CIB runshell |
The language package mentioned above is used for Tesseract text-recognition. By Default CIB ocr searches the subfolder “tessdata” within the current folder. If a different folder is used for language-files this has to be declared in the property „DataFolder”.
CIB runshell
runshell (cibrsh.exe) provides the possibility to call CIB ocr DLL directly. With
this call text and barcode can be extracted from a specified inputfile.
cibrsh.exe –oc input.tif output.txt
CIB job
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.0 and CIB job version 1.8.0)
CIB ocr DLL can be started via CIB job xml.
CIB job xml can be used by CIB runshell (cibrsh.exe) or CIB documentserver.
Example CIB runshell:
cibrsh.exe –d job.xml
For detailed example for a CIB job XML look at chapter Calling CIB ocr via CIB job/CIB documentServer.
2. Introduction
CIB ocr is a CIB solution for optical character
recognition and mainly employed as a component of CIB products and modules like
CIB doXima, CIB pdf toolbox or CIB doXisafe. It is used to support automatic
text- and barcode-recognition in all these modules. For text-recognition the
engine Tesseract is used.
About Tesseract:
Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine and is considered to be one of the most accurate open source OCR engines currently available. It is free software, released under the Apache License and development has been sponsored by Google since 2006.
Tesseract is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Since version 3.00 Tesseract has supported output text formatting, hOCR positional information and page layout analysis. Support for a number of new image formats was added using the Leptonica library.
Tesseract is able to process a lot of different languages, German included.
Input-formats supported by CIB ocr :
- bmp image;
- tiff image (including multipage tiff);
- jpeg image;
- png image;
- xml (serialized cv::Mat);
- yml (serialized cv::Mat)
Supported barcode-types: Still correct??
- Code128A, Code128B, Code128C, Code128Auto
- Code39
- Code39Extended
- QR-Code
- Datamatrix
For output the following formats can be used:
- plain text
- hocr
3. Usecase: Calling CIB OCR via CIB runshell
In the following example, a QR-code from a .jpg image file is processed by CIB ocr and output in a .txt textfile.
First a valid license is set and tracing is activated. To recognize the QR-code, the properties “BarcodeType” and “Recognize” have to be set accordingly. Then the output filename and the output directory are set. CIB ocr is called via the command “–oc ”, followed by the input filename of the .jpg image that is to be processed.
All properties used in this call are described in more detail in chapters 4 to 6.
CIB runshell can be called directly via command line in the appropriate directory, or via a batch script.
Cibrsh.exe LicenseCompany=“Example Company“ LicenseKey=“xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx“ TraceFilename=”trace.log” BarcodeType=QR Recognize=BarcodeRecognizer BarcodeOutputFilename=”./output/CIB_web.jpg.txt” –oc “./input/CIB_web.jpg”
This is the QR Code as JPG file:
The output textfile contains the following text:
4. Usecase: Calling CIB ocr Via CIB pdf toolbox
n CIB pdf toolbox it is possible to directly pass through properties t
o CIB ocr. Further details can be found in the CIB pdf toolbox technical manual.
This example uses CIB ocr to extract text from a PDF file that is not readable, i.e. the text is represented by a picture. To pass through CIB ocr properties in this CIB pdf toolbox call, “CibOcr” is added as a prefix to the CIB ocr properties described in this document.
Again a valid license has to be set. Then the property “OutputFormat” is set to specify that a searchable PDF should be generated. It is also specified that in this case the image in the input PDF should be removed and the extracted text from that image shown instead in the output PDF (properties “FormatSearchablePdfRemoveImage” and “FormatSearchablePdfShowText”).
The language of the text in the PDF is set accordingly (“CibOcrOCRLanguage”) and the path to the necessary dictionary files is set (“CibOcrDataFolder”). Also, a preprocessor is selected to improve the ocr result.
Then cib pdf toolbox is called via “–fj ” (join) and the input and output files are specified.
CibRsh.exe LicenseCompany=”Example Company” LicenseKey=”xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx” OutputFormat=FormatSearchablePdf FormatSearchablePdfShowText=1 FormatSearchablePdfRemoveImages=1 CibOcrDataFolder=”./tessdata” CibOcrOCRLanguage=”eng” CibOcrPreprocess=SauvolaThresholding –fj “./input/TextAsPicture.pdf” “./output/TextAsPicture.out.pdf”
5. Usecase: Calling CIB ocr Via CIB job/CIB documentServer
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.0 and CIB job version 1.8.0)
For using CIB ocr via CIB job or CIB documentServer the corresponding XML schema has to defined. This XML can be used for CIB documentServer request. The following XML-example uses CIB ocr to extract text from an image-file using Tesseract library.
In load-step inputfile is loaded into memory.
In ocr-step first a valid license has to be set, “Tesseract” is the OCRlibrary to be used and OutputFormat is “FormatHocr”. Extracted text is in German ("OCRLanguage"=deu).
In save-step in-memory-output is written into a file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<properties command="job">
<property name="OutputMode">XML</property>
<property name="UseInMemoryProcessing">1</property>
<job name="tesseract" expected-result-code="404">
<step name="LoadStep" command="load">
<property name="InputFilename">./input/input.png</property>
<step name="OcrStep" expected-result-code="1000" command="ocr">
<property name="LicenseCompany">CustomerLicensee</property>
<property name="LicenseKey">4444-cccc-88888888</property>
<property name="OCRLibraryName">Tesseract</property>
<property name="DataFolder">.</property>
<property name="OutputFormat">FormatHocr</property>
<property name="TraceFilename">OCR_trace.log</property>
<property name="OCRLanguage">deu</property>
<property name="TracePreprocessOutput">0</property>
<step name="SaveStep" expected-result-code="0" command="save">
<property name="OutputFilename">./ocr_out.html</property>
6. General properties
In this chapter general properties of CIB ocr are described.
− NEW: add new property "PageSelection" RELEASE 2.3.0
− property “TraceRecognitionOutput” has been added; REL 2.1.0
6.1. Config
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
Config |
String |
Set |
This property specifies the name of the config-file (text-file) which contains parameters for CIB ocr. The parameters specified in the config-file overwrite those set in job directly. It is possible to use several config-files (containing different configurations) which are performed one after the other in the order they are set in property.(not supported yet).
Config= <onefilename>
6.2. Recognize
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
Recognize |
String |
Set |
This property defines for which purpose CIB ocr is run. Currently there are two options: text recognition and barcode recognition. By default, this is set to text recognition.
Recognize=<Value> <Value>:BarcodeRecognizer | OcrRecognizerWithDeeper | OcrRecognizer | WordRecognizer
default= OcrRecognizer
6.3. DisableRecognition
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
DisableRecognition |
String |
Set |
When this property is set, text/barcode recognition is switched off and TracePreprocessOutput should be switched on by the user. So instead of defined preprocessors all of them are used one by one for an initial image.
For each preprocessor an imagefile is written.
DisableRecognition=<value> <value>: 0 | 1
DisableRecognition=1 TracePreprocessOutput=1
That means:
No recognition is done,
TracePreprocessOutput=1 is set,
for each preprocessor an imagefile is created, e.g. “image1_preprocessor_MedianBlurAT.png”.
6.4. DpiX
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
DpiX |
String |
Set |
This property allows to set integer values
which are needed for xfdf and specify the DPI value of the input image.
DpiX can be used when the property RegionTemplate is set.
DpiX=<value> <value>: 1 to N
6.5. DpiY
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
DpiY |
String |
Set |
This property allows to set integer values
which are needed for xfdf and specify the DPI value of the input image.
DpiY can be used when the property RegionTemplate is set.
DpiY=<value> <value>: 1 to N
6.6. InputFilename
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
InputFilename |
String |
Set/Get |
This property specifies the name of the input file.
This information is optional, memory input can be used alternatively (via
property InputMemoryAddress).
The following input-formats are supported:
- bmp image;
- tiff image (includes multipage tiff);
- jpeg image;
- png image;
- xml (serialized cv::Mat);
- yml (serialized cv::Mat)
InputFilename=<name> <name>: name.ext
6.7. InputMemoryAddress
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
InputMemoryAddress |
String |
Set |
Property specifies memory-address of
This information is optional, inputfile can be used alternatively (via property
<InputMemoryAddress> ::= <Integer> | ";" <Integer>
6.8. LicenseCompany
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
LicenseCompany |
String |
Set |
This property sets the licensee from the license information. It is used in connection with LicenseKey. This property has to be set in a CIB ocr call to activate its functions.
6.9. LicenseKey
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
LicenseKey |
String |
Set |
This property sets the license Key from the license information. It is used in connection with LicenseCompany. This property has to be set in a CIB ocr call to activate its functions.
If no license information is set, test-license is used.
LicenseCompany=CIB software GmbH LicenseKey=4444-cccc-88888888
6.10. OCRLanguage
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
OCRLanguage |
String |
Set |
Property specifies the language which is used in the input-document. (ISO 639-2 Code , 3digits).
OCRLanguage=<language> <language>: deu | eng | rus
6.11. Preprocess
AllgemeinPreprocessor details
▸ Thresholding Methods
▸ Median filters
▸ BilateralFilter
▸ Thinning Algorithms
▸ DeSkew
▸ Invert / AutoInvert
▸ AutoRotate
Composite Algorithms
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
Preprocess |
String |
Set |
This property allows to specify methods for preprocessing the inputfile in order to get a better ocr-result.
Preprocess: <preprocessnames>
<preprocessnames>= <preprocessor> | <preprocessor> “+” <preprocessnames>
<preprocessor>: NativeAdaptiveThresholding | PureMedianBlur | PureAdaptiveThresholding |
PureAdaptiveGaussianThresholding | MedianBlurAGT | MedianBlurAT | MedianBlurGAT |
SauvolaThresholding | NiblackThresholding | WolfJolionThresholding | NickThresholding |
FengThresholding | OtsuThresholding | BilateralFilter | ThinningZhangSuen |
ThinningGuoHall | DeSkew | Invert | AutoInvert | Composite
No default
Preprocess = NativeAdaptiveThresholding
Preprocessor details
Thresholding Methods is the simplest method of image segmentation. From a grayscale image, thresholding can be used to create binary images.The simplest thresholding methods replace each pixel in an image with a black pixel if the image intensity is less than some fixed constant T, or a white pixel if the image intensity is greater than that constant.
Adaptive Thresholding
Using a global value as threshold value may not be good in all conditions where an image has different lighting conditions in different areas. In that case, we go for adaptive thresholding. Adaptive thresholding means that the algorithm calculates the threshold for small regions of the image. Thus we get different thresholds for different regions of the same image and this gives us better results for images with varying illumination.
It has three ‘special’ input parameters and only one output argument.
Adaptive Method - It decides how the thresholding value is calculated.
- cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C : threshold value is the mean of the neighborhood area.
- cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C : threshold value is the weighted sum of neighborhood values where weights are a Gaussian window.
Block Size - It decides the size of the neighborhood area.
C - It is just a constant which is subtracted from the mean or weighted mean calculated.
This is a complex filter which consists of the following steps using OpenCV library:
- cv::medianBlur()
- cv::adaptiveThreshold() using CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C threshold type
- cv::bilateralFilter()
- The result is a grayscale image;
While the conventional thresholding operator uses a global threshold for all pixels, adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. This more sophisticated version of thresholding can accommodate changing lighting conditions in the image , e.g. those occurring as a result of a strong illumination gradient or shadows.
PureAdaptiveThresholding consist only of one step:
- cv::adaptiveThreshold() using CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C threshold type
- The result is a binary image;
Alternative: PureAdaptiveGaussianThresholding
Thresholding based on standard deviation
The methods described in the following sections - FengThresholding, SauvolaThresholding, NiblackThresholding, WolfJolionThresholding, NickThresholding - differ only by the final formula for the thresholding value for particular pixel, but use the same matrixes with standard deviation.
Niblack’s method can be considered as the first local threshold method. It has the advantage of detecting the text but it introduces a lot of background noise. Sauvola and Pietikinen modified the Niblack threshold to decrease the background noise but the text detection rate is also decreased while bleed-through still remains in most cases.
In particular, for most colored images the Wolfjolion preprocessor allows to achieve the best quality of recognition as well as for images with background noise and anti-aliased font.
Nick's binarization derives its thresholding formula from the basic Niblack algorithm, the parent of many local image thresholding methods. The major advantage of Nick's method over Niblack is that it considerably improves binarization for "white" and light page images by shifting down the binarization threshold.
The Feng thresholding method is interesting because it can qualitatively outperform the Sauvola thresholding method. However, the Feng method contains many parameters which have to be set. Hence this method was never widely accepted.
Considering a bimodal image (a bimodal image is an image whose histogram has two peaks) we can approximately take a value in the middle of those peaks as threshold value. That is what Otsu binarization does. So it automatically calculates a threshold value from an image’s histogram for a bimodal image. (For images which are not bimodal, binarization won’t be accurate.)
Median filters
A median filter is an example of a non-linear filter and, if properly designed, is very good at preserving image detail. Running a median filter:
- considers each pixel in the image
- sorts the neighboring pixels into order based upon their intensities,
- replaces the original value of the pixel by the median value from the list.
A median filter is a rank-selection (RS) filter, for example one that selects the closest of the neighboring values when a pixel's value is external in its neighborhood, and leaves it unchanged otherwise . It is sometimes preferred, especially in photographic applications.
Median and other RCRS filters are good at removing salt and pepper noise from an image, and also cause relatively little blurring of edges, and hence are often used in computer vision applications.
Disadvantage: the rest becomes blurred, this impairs the borders of characters and consequently recognition accuracy.
At the same time (and rather unexpectedly), the best choice for “recipes” and images with “curved” or “complex in general” text is the MedianBlurGAT preprocessor.
Used filters:
- PureMedianBlur
Contain thresholding in addition
- MedianBlurAGT
- MedianBlurAT
- MedianBlurGAT
A bilateral filter is a non-linear, edge-preserving and noise-reducing smoothing filter for images. The intensity value at each pixel in an image is replaced by a weighted average of intensity values from nearby pixels. This weight can be based on a Gaussian distribution. Crucially, the weights depend not only on the Euclidean distance of pixels, but also on the radiometric differences (e.g. range differences, such as color intensity, depth distance, etc.). This preserves sharp edges by systematically looping through each pixel and adjusting weights to the adjacent pixels accordingly.
It is normally used for non-text images or after thresholding.
Thinning Algorithms
This is an algorithm used for binary images to reduce a black and white area to a n e.g. one bit skeleton.
A fast parallel thinning
algorithm consists of
o iteration loops:
One aimed at
deleting the
south-east boundary
points and
the north-west
corner points
while the
other one
is aimed
at deleting the north-west
boundary points
and the south-east
corner points. End points
connectivity are
preserved. Each
thinned down
a "skeleton"
unitary thickness.
results show
this method
very effective
Used algorithms:
- ThinningZhangSuen
- ThinningGuoHall
Deskewing an image can help a lot, if you want to do barcode detection, or just improve the readability of scanned images. I n photos of goods with a barcode for example, the skew angle is often too high, so the barcode cannot be detected. After deskewing, the barcode can be read.
If an image is a logo, a good choice is DeSkew+AutoInvert and
any of the preprocessors Feng,
Sauvola or WolfJolion.
For invoices a
suggestion is DeSkew and
Sauvola or WolfJolion.
Invert / AutoInvert
Both filters are suitable for images containing more black than white color.
Application of “Invert” changes black to white and vice versa.
Filter “Autoinvert” checks first, if we really have more black than white on page.
We get good results, if “Invert (AutoInvert)” is used together with “BilateralFilter” and “DeSkew” .
This preprocessor algorithm allows to detect image rotation by 90/180/270 degrees, using artificial intelligent algorithm . It detects rotation of image and rotate it before text recognition process. The following preprocessor settings allow to detect image rotation and rotate it, and then de-skew the resulting image, before text recognition:
Preprocess = AutoRotate+Deskew
For using this algorithm, an additional property should be set: AutoRotateModel. This property should point to tensorflow-based model file
, trained to detect image rotation.
Composite Algorithms
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.0)
CIB OCR can use complex algorithms for image preprocessing. For using of complex image processing algorithms preprocessor "Composite" should be used. This possibility is based on usage of CIB image toolbox functionality. Each preprocessing algorithm should be described in XML format (details are available in CIB image toolbox documentation).
Example CIB runshell:
cibrsh.exe –oc Preprocess=Composite AlgorithmsSetName=AlgorithmsSet_sample.xml
AlgorithmName=SepaTextExtraction AlgorithmProfile=processing_profile.xml
Example CIB Job/CIB DocumentServer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <root>
<properties command="job">
<property name="OutputMode">XML</property> <property name="UseInMemoryProcessing">1</property>
<job name="tesseract" expected-result-code="404">
<step name="LoadStep" command="load"> <properties>
<property name="InputFilename">./input/input.png</property> </properties>
<step name="OcrStep" expected-result-code="1000" command=" ocr">
<property name="LicenseCompany">CustomerLicensee</property>
<property name="LicenseKey">4444-cccc-88888888</property> <property name="OCRLibraryName">Tesseract</property> <property name="DataFolder">.</property>
<property name="OutputFormat">FormatHocr</property> <property name="TraceFilename">OCR_trace.log</property> <property name="OCRLanguage">deu</property> <property name="TracePreprocessOutput">1</property> <property name="Preprocess">Composite</property> <property name="AlgorithmsSetName">AlgorithmsSet_sample.xml</property> <property name="AlgorithmName">SepaTextExtraction</property> <property name="AlgorithmProfile">processing_profile.xml</property> <property name="IPLTraceFilename">OCR_IPL.log</property> </properties>
<step name="SaveStep" expected-result-code="0" command="save"> <properties>
<property name="OutputFilename">./ocr_out.html</property> </properties>
6.12. TracePreprocessOutput
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
TracePreprocessOutput |
String |
Set |
The result of the preprocessed image will be written in a file.
TracePreprocessOutput=<value> <value>: 0 | 1
File created e.g. “image1_preprocessor_MedianBlurAT.png”.
7. Properties Text-Recognition
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
DataFolder | String | Set |
This property specifies a path to the Tesseract language package „tessdata“.
If the property is empty, it is assumed the folder „tessdata“ is located in the currently used folder.
default=No input
(current folder is used)
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.1)
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OCRConfigs | String | Set |
Names of Tesseract config files.
All Tesseract config files should be located in $(TESSDATA_PREFIX)\tessdata\configs\
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OCRRegion | String | Set |
This property specifies a rectangle on a page.
This rectangle is used to define a scan-area to extract the text. That means all characters are ignored which are outside of this scan-area.
A rectangle is defined by two basic points (left,top and right,bottom).
Point of origin is the top-left corner of the page, the unit is mm.
<onerectangle>: <left> ";" <top> ";" <right> ";" <bottom>
default=No input
The whole page is scanned if no input is set or if the rectangles given by the coordinates are empty.
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
PaddingHorizontal | String | Set |
This property adds a horizontal padding to the rectangle determined by “OCRRegion” on a page.
The main Use Case is Textrecognition with deeper on a line. This Property allows to further extend the OCRRegion in horizontal direction. This way context information in the image will not get lost.
The unit is %. That means in case of a OCRRegion width of 100 and PaddingHorizontal of 10: The image is extended by 10 pixels left and 10 pixels right. The center of the OCRRegion and the padded rectangle remains.
PaddingHorizontal =<integer_value>
PaddingHorizontal = 10
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
PaddingVertical | String | Set |
This property adds a vertical padding to the rectangle determined by “OCRRegion” on a page.
The main Use Case is Textrecognition with deeper on a line. This Property allows to further extend the OCRRegion in vertical direction. This way context information in the image will not get lost.
The unit is %. That means in case of a OCRRegion height of 100 and PaddingVertical of 10: The image is extended by 10 pixels on top and 10 pixels at the bottom. The center of the OCRRegion and the padded rectangle remains.
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OutputFilename | String | Set |
This property specifies the name of the outputfile.
The property OutputFilename is optional, if it is empty – OutputTextLength and OutputText are used.
The format/extension is described in the next property OutputFormat.
<name>: name.ext
default=No input, use of OutputTextLength and OutputText.
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OutputFormat | String | Set |
This property defines the format of the created outputfile.
<format>: FormatText | FormatHocr | FormatHocrText
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OutputText | String | Get |
This property contains the result of text-recognition.
If used, it is also required to define the size of the output buffer with the property OutputTextLength.
Syntax of output:
Das ist der gelesene Text.
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OutputTextLength | String | Get |
This property contains the length of the output result and specifies the required size of the output buffer.
Syntax of output:
[integer] (string representation)
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
OutputType | String | Set |
This property defines whether output should be in memory or to a file.
This property is automatically set depending on whether OutputFilename is set or not. If OutputFilename is set, then OutputType=File is automatically set, otherwise OutputType=Memory is set.
<type>: File | Memory
Property-Name | Data-Type | Type |
RegionTemplate | String | Set |
The property RegionTemplate contains the name of the xfdf-file, where the OCRRegions are defined.
default=No input
8. Properties Text-Recognition with deepER
Instead of using Tesseract for OCR it is possible to also choose text-recognition with deepER. The OCR will be calculated on a server. A RESTFUL Service is running on the server, while the client utilizes libcurl in order to send the request.
This Property is mandatory.
It is not yet possible to use In-Memory-Processing for the input.
Property-Name |
Datentyp |
Art |
InputFilename |
String |
Set/Get |
This property specifies the name of the input file.
The following input-formats are supported:
- bmp image;
- tiff image (includes multipage tiff);<
- jpeg image;
- png image;
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
OutputFilename |
String |
Set |
This property specifies the name of the out
The Outputformat is fixed to hOCR.
<name>: name.ext
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
Recognize |
String |
Set |
Recognize=<Value> <Value>: OcrRecognizerWithDeeper
Recognize= OcrRecognizerWithDeeper
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DeeperUrl |
String |
Set |
DEEPERURL=<Value> <Value>: http://localhost:5000
default= http://localhost:5000
DeeperUrl = http://graphix:5000
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DeeperAuthentication |
String |
Set |
DEEPERURL=<Value> <Value>: User:password
default= “”
DeeperUrl = Franz:TopSecret
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DeeperImageFormat |
String |
Set |
Default value (if not set) is PNG. Possible values: JPG (JPEG) / PNG / Smallest.
CIB ocr converts input image into the requested format, before sending it to the deeper server.
If DeeperImageFormat is set as Smallest then CIB ocr converts the input image into both: PNG and JPG and the smallest representation will be sent to the deeper server for recognition .
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
OcrGrayScaleConversion |
String |
Set |
OcrGrayScaleConversion=<Value> <Value>: 0|1
Default =1
OcrGrayScaleConversion = 0
9. Properties Barcode-Recognition
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeOutputFilename |
String |
Set |
This property sets the name of the outputfile to which values of all barcodes found in the inputfile are written.
The property BarcodeOutputFilename is optional, if it is empty - BarcodeValueLength
and BarcodeValue are used
For format/extension look at OutputFormat
The format of this file is given by “BarcodeOutputType ”.
default=No input, BarcodeValueLength and BarcodeValue are used .
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeOutputType |
String |
Set |
This property defines whether the output should
be in memory or to file.
This property is automatically set depending on whether BarcodeOutputFilename is set
or not. If BarcodeOutputFilename is set
then BarcodeO
utputType=File is set,
<type>: File | Memory
With this property it is set that a search for barcodes is only applied on a defined rectangle.
If a barcode is always situated on the same area of each page
, performance is improved by limiting
search for barcodes to this area.
is area (= rectangle) is defined by two basic points (left
,top and right,bottom).
Point of origin is the top-left corner of the page,
the unit is
<rectangle>: <left> ";" <top> ";" <right> ";" <bottom>
default=No input
The whole page is scanned if no input is done or rectangle given by coordinates is empty.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeRemoveChecksum |
String |
Set |
When this property is set, checksum is not considered when reading a barcode.
The property can be used for barcodes Code39 , Code39Extended and Code128
<value>: 0 | 1
(Checksum is not cut off).
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeShowPageNumber |
String |
Set |
When this property is set, the page-number of the inputfile where this barcode was found is added to each output barcode from property “BarcodeValue”.
<value>: 0 | 1
(No output of page-number).
Afterward property „BarcodeValue“ contains e.g.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeStopAfter |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
Defines that search is stopped after retrieving N th barcode.
<value>: 1 to N
No value set means that search continues until the end of inputfile.
Search stops after retrieving 5th barcode.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeType |
String |
Set |
This property specifies the type of barcode which is to be searched.
BarcodeType = < onebarcodetype>
<onebarcodetype>= "DataMatrix" | "Code128" | "Code39" | "Code39Extended" | "QR"
default=No input, CIB ocr searches for all possible barcode-types.
Code128 includes the subtypes:
- Code128A
- Code128B
- Code128C
- Code128Auto
BarcodeType= DataMatrix
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeTimeout |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
This property specifies the time (in milliseconds) when CIB ocr stops looking for more barcode-candidates in the inputfile.
BarcodeTimeout=<value> <value>:1 to N
default=The whole inputfile is processed to find all barcode-candidates, neglecting the time it takes.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeValue |
String |
Get |
This property contains a list of all barcodes found in the
BarcodeValueLength is
necessary to define the
size of the output buffer.
Syntax of output:
[BARCODE :[pagenumber;]BarcodeType;TextValue;]
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
BarcodeValueLength |
String |
Get |
This property contains the length of the output result and thus gives the required size of output buffer.
Syntax of output:
[integer] (string representation)
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DatamatrixAngleDeviation |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
This property gives the allowed non-squareness of corners of rectangles in degrees (0-90).
The size of the allowed deviation depends on the application:
- Faxing and flatbed scanning: A low squareness deviation (5-10 degrees is enough since all right angles in the subject image will appear as right angles in the image.
- Scanning from a cell phone or webcam: Higher deviations (20-40 degrees) should be set as distortion due to extreme scanning angles may occur. The dmtxread utility allows large deviation values by default.
DatamatrixAngleDeviation=<value> <value>:0 to 90
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DatamatrixShrinkingFactor |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
This property sets a factor for shrinking a high resolution image internally.
This sometimes provides a dramatic performance benefit
as the amount of pixels of a page is minimized. It especially helps when
an image has
high resolution but blurry focus.
DatamatrixShrinkingFactor=<value> <value>: 1 to N
Default: 1
(no change of original resolution)
Means resolution is divided in half.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DatamatrixScanGap |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
This Property allows specifying the size of the gaps in the grid pattern (using pixels).
Increasing the gaps (e.g. to 100) can improve performance, but if the grid is too coarse it may cause that the barcode is no t found at all.
DatamatrixScanGap=<value> <value>: 1 to N
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DatamatrixThreshold |
String |
Set |
For Datamatrix only.
Lowering the threshold can increase the number of features to be scanned, but thereby slows performance. But this
may be necessary if the image is blurry or has low contrast.
Sometimes lowering the threshold will actually improve performance if thereby a good barcode candidate
is found more quickly than otherwise.
DatamatrixThreshold=<value> <value>: 1 to 100
Weak edges below threshold 10 are ignored.
(From CIB ocr version 2.4.0)
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
ZBarConfig |
String |
Set |
Property for tuning of barcode recognition (ZBar functionality).
ZBarConfig =config_ line1[;config _line2[;config_line3...]]
10. Properties Word-Recognition
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
Recognize |
String |
Set |
In order to use the WordRecognizer this property has to be set to “WordRecognizer”.
<Value>:BarcodeRecognizer | OcrRecognizer | WordRecognizer
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
DictionaryPath |
String |
Set |
This property can also be defined within the WordRecognizerOptions. It is recommended to define it within WordRecognizerOptions, as WordRecognizerOptions overrules this property.
However this property has to be defined at least within this property or WordRecognizerOptions.
No default value! It has to be set.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
InputFormat |
String |
Set |
In order to use the WordRecognizer this property has to be set to “WordRecognizer”.
<Value>: HOCR | UTF8 | UTF16 | Unicode
HOCR: input is a HOCR file which must be UTF8 encoded
UTF8: input is plain text in UTF8 encoding (with or without UTF8 BOM
UTF16: input is plain text in UTF-16 encoding. The BOM (FE FF or FF FE) must be present
This property is defined as json-String and contains all the information that is needed in order to analyse the document by WordRecognizer.
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
WordRecognizerOptions |
String |
Set |
This property might look like this. A more detailed explanation for each component can be found below the example:
"DictionaryPath": "D:\\PROJEKTE-SVN\\products\\CIB ocr\\trunk\\src-test\\testdata\\hunspell",
"Dictionaries": {"DE": {"Dictionaries": "de_DE_frami-UTF8", "StopwordFiles": "stopword_german.txt", "DigramScores": "de_digramscores.txt"}},
"InputFormat": "UTF8",
"RecognizedWordsFilename": "recognized.log",
"RejectedWordsFilename": "rejected.log",
"StatisticsFilename": "statistics.log",
"StatisticsOutputFormat": "FormatCsv"}
Explanation of each component:
Component |
Value |
Note |
InputText |
<string> |
(required if property InputFilename / InputMemoryAddress is empty) text to parse, must be in UTF-8 format |
DictionaryPath |
<string> |
(required) path to the hunspell folder, may be absolute or relative to the working directory |
Dictionaries |
<dictionary-object> |
(required) dictionaries to use, one or more dictionaries for each language (see below) |
InputFormat |
<string> |
Specifies the input format (e.g. “UTF8”) |
RecognizedWordsFilename |
<string> |
(optional) filename for recognized words writes the numer of occurrences for each recognized word, per language a word is considered recognized if it is no stopword and contained in at least one dictionary for that language for the language "<GLOBAL>", all stop word lists are ignored, and the word is recognized if it is contained in at least one dictionary (excluding stop word dictionaries) the words are written as |
RejectedWordsFilename |
<string> |
(optional) filename for rejected words writes the numer of occurrences for each rejected word, per language a word is considered rejected if it is no stopword and is not contained in any dictionaries for that language for the language "<GLOBAL>", all stop word lists are ignored, and the word is rejected if it is not contained in any dictionary (excluding stop word dictionaries) the words are written as |
StatisticsFilename |
<string> |
(optional) filename for the summary of the word recognizer run |
StatisticsOutputFormat |
<string> |
defines the output format for the summary "FormatText": output is written as tabbed text "FormatCsv": output is written in csv format "FormatJSON": the property "WordRecognizerResult" is written to the specified file (as JSON string) |
StatisticsPerPage |
<boolean> |
adds a pagewise statistics to the WordRecognizer result |
TextAcceptThreshold |
<number> |
sets "TextAccepted" flag in the result, if the "longer glyph ratio" is at least this value. Only meaningful if LargeWordLimit > 0 |
SmallWordLimit |
<number> |
(optional) if > 0, words with at most that many characters are counted in the "SmallWord" group |
LargeWordLimit |
<number> |
(optional) if > 0, words with at least that many characters are counted in the "LargeWord" group |
Component “Dictionaries”:
specification of <dictionary-object> (same as a few comments above):
{<language-name>: <language>, ...}
<language-name> = JSON-String: "..." (specifies a language name)
<language> = JSON-String: "..." (specifies
a single dictionary for that language, no stopwords)
<language> = JSON-Array: ["...","..."] (specifies one or more dictionaries for that language, no stopwords)
<language> = JSON-Object: {"Dictionaries": <dictionaries>, "StopwordDictionaries:" <stopword-dicts>, "Stopwords": <stopwords>]}
<dictionaries> = JSON-String: "..." (specifies a single dictionary for that language)
<dictionaries> = JSON-Array: ["...","..."] (specifies one or more dictionaries for that language)
<stopword-dicts> = JSON-String: "..." (specifies a single stopword dictionary for that language)
<stopword-dicts> = JSON-Array: ["...","..."] (specifies one or more stopword dictionaries for that language)
<stopwords> = JSON-Array: ["...", "..."] (specifies a list of stopwords (UTF-8 encoded))
Example 1:
"Dictionaries": {"DE": ["de_DE-frami-UTF8", "de_user"], "EN": "en_US-UTF8"}
Example 2:
"Dictionaries": {
"DE": {"Dictionaries": "de_DE-frami-UTF8", "StopwordDictionaries": "de_stopwords", "DigramScores": "de_digramscores.txt"}
"EN": {"Dictionaries": "en_US-UTF8", "Stopwords": ["a", "an", "in"], "DigramScores": "de_digramscores.txt} }
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
WordRecognizerResult |
String |
Set |
This property contains all the output information. It makes sense to set the property to mode=“out”. This will result in the output-output.xml and the tracefile to contain all the results of the WordRecognizer (Additionally to the statistic files).
In version 2.7, WordRecognizerResult is a JSON object as follows:
{<language-string>: <statistics-object>, ...}
language-string: one of the language strings given in the WordRecognizerOptions (for instance ‘EN’ for english)
<statistics-object> =
"SmallWordCount": <number> number of recognized words (excluding stop words), which are small words (according to SmallWordLimit)
"LargeWordCount": <number> number of recognized words (excluding stop words), which are large words (according to LargeWordLimit)
"MainWordCount": <number> number of words which are recognized, and are not stop words
"StopWordCount": <number> number of words which are in the stop word list/dictionary
"RejectedWordCount": <number> number of words which are neither stop words nor in one of the language dictionaries
(for example, most english words are rejected in german dictionaries)
"TotalWordCount": <number> number of words which are recognized (including stop words). Should be the MainWordCount+StopWordCount
"SmallWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all small words
"LargeWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all large words
"MainWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all recognized words (excluding stop words)
"StopWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all stop words
"RejectedWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all rejected words
"TotalWordCoverage": <number> number of characters over all recognized words
"MainWordCountPerLength": [<length1>, <count1>, <length2>, <count2>, ...] number of occurrences per word length (counting only recognized words which are not stop words)
"TotalWordCountPerLength": [<length1>, <count1>, <length2>, <count2>, ...] number of occurrences per word length (counting only recognized words, including stop words, but not rejected words)
"GlyphRatioLongWords": <number> (old) number in percent of long words found in relation to all words. (Glyphs like "%","&" etc are filtered beforehand.
"LongerGlyphRate": <number> (new) number in percent of not-short words found in relation to all words. (Glyphs like "%","&" are included / and therefore lots of those symbols will reduce this value).
"DigramScoreArithmetic": <number> number between [0;9] that indicates the text quality based on digramm score tables. There are scoretables for each language. The language chosen in the "All" language is chosen by the language that has the highest TotalWordCount.
"FulltextQuality": <number> number in percent that indicates text quality. The formula takes the following values into consideration:
GlyphRatioLongWords, LongerGlyphRate, TotalWordCount, DigramScoreArithmetic
Note 1: In addition to the languages specified in WordRecognizerOptions, there is an additional language "<GLOBAL>". This (virtual) language consists of all dictionaries over all languages, excluding all stop word dictionaries and stop word lists. This means, if a token (word to check) is contained in at least one of these dictionaries, it is considered as "recognized". Otherwise, it is considered as "rejected"
Note 2: The character count counts only the characters of the words passed to the spellchecker. The parser may have eliminated blanks, numbers, punctuation marks, quotes, hyphens and such.
Since version 2.8, WordRecognizerResult is a JSON object as follows:
{"DocumentStatistics": <language-statistics>
, "PageStatistics": <page-statistics>
("PageStatistics" is only present if the "StatisticsPerPage" option is set to true)
<page-statistics> is a JSON object with page numbers as key and <language-statistics>
objects as value.
Example: {"1": <language-statistics>
, "3": <language-statistics>
(if the input is HOCR, and a page has no "ppageno" attribute, the page number is "0")
<language-statistics> is a JSON object as follows:
{"AllLanguages": <word-statistics>
"Languages": <language-specific-statistics>
"TextAccepted": true | false}
(TextAccepted is false if the GlyphRatioLongWords of "AllLanguages" is lower than the TextAcceptedThreshold specified in
the WordRecognizerOptions. The TextAccepted flag of the document-global statistics is also set to false if at least one page has a "longer glyph ratio" ratio below the threshold, even if there are enough other pages to get
the global ratio above the limit)
is a JSON object as follows:
{<language-key>: <word-statistics>
, ...}
where <language-key> is one of the language keys defined in the WordRecognizerOptions
(note: the statistics for all languages combined is now the value of "AllLanguages". The special language key "<GLOBAL>" is no longer used)
<word-statistics> is the same object as <statistics-object> described in 7.5, but with an additional key "GlyphRatioLongWords". This value of this key is defined as largeWordCoverage * 100 / (totalWordCoverage + rejectedWordCoverage), i.e. the ratio of glyphs in long words compared to the total number of checked glyphs (excluding blanks, delimiters, numbers). The value is expressed as an integer (percentage) ranging from 0 to 100.
Since version 2.14, there are two additional keys:
"RawGlyphCount": <number> number of glyphs before parsing (excluding whitespaces but including digits, punctuation marks etc.)
"LongerGlyphRate": calculated as
(TotalWordCoverage - SmallWordCoverage) / RawGlyphCount.
This is the ratio of glyphs in recognized words which are not "small", compared to the number of all glyphs including digits etc. (see above).
An example of WordRecognizerResult, with multiple pages and languages, might look like this:
WordRecognizerResult = {
"DocumentStatistics": {
"AllLanguages": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 80, ...},
"Languages": {
"DE": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 55, ...},
"EN": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 33, ...}
"TextAccepted": false
"PageStatistics": {
"1": {
"AllLanguages": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 100, ...},
"Languages": {
"DE": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 100, ...},
"EN": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 16, ...}
"TextAccepted": true
"2": {
"AllLanguages": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 55, ...},
"Languages": {
"DE": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 0, ...},
"EN": {"GlyphRatioLongWords": 55, ...}
"TextAccepted": false
A complete Job XML-Example for Word Recognition might look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<job name="TextRecognize">
<property name="LicenseCompany">Example Company</property>
<property name="LicenseKey">xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx</property>
<property name="OutputMode">Xml</property>
<step name="ocr-step" command="ocr">
<property name="LicenseCompany">CIB Demo</property>
<property name="LicenseKey">xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx</property>
<property name="InputFilename">..\templates-txt\wikipedia-Deutschland_DE.txt</property>
<property name="TraceFilename">ocr.txt</property>
<property name="PageSelection">All</property>
<property name="Recognize">WordRecognizer</property>
<property name="WordRecognizerOptions">{
"DictionaryPath": "..\\hunspell",
"Dictionaries":{"deu":{"Dictionaries":"de_DE_frami- UTF8","StopwordFiles":"de_stopwords.txt"}},"InputFormat":"UTF8","RecognizedWordsFilename": "recognizedWords.txt","StatisticsFilename":"statistics.txt","StatisticsOutputFormat":"FormatJSON"}
11. Technical interface: Native functions
This chapter provides a brief overview of native functions.
CIB ocr job handleCibOcrJobCreate
CIB ocr job handle
Every CIB ocr task is assigned to a „job handle“ of the type Handle* . This object represents the task. The steps
- Setting and reading properties(CibOcrJobSetProperty/ CibOcrJobGetProperty)
- Executing the task(CibOcrJobStart)
- Getting error information(CibOcrJobGetError/ CibOcrJobGetErrorText)
always refer to such a job handle.
A CIB ocr task is initiated by creating a job handle ( CibOcrJobCreate). After setting the necessary properties and running the task the job handle is released again ( CibOcrJobFree ).
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobCreate(Handle *job);
This method creates a job handle. The Job-handle is given to all subsequent functions to ensure thread-security. It should be released again with CibOcrJobFree after the task is completed.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Creates a new job handle and stores it at *Job |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobSetProperty (Handle job, const char *name, const char *value);
This function allows setting additional properties for a merge run. The names and values are expected to be UTF-8 encoded zero terminated strings.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that this property refers to |
Char* |
Name |
Name of the property that is to be set |
Char* |
Value |
Value of the property that is to be set |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobSetProperty W (Handle job, const wchar *name, const wchar *value );
This function allows setting additional properties for a merge run. The names and values are expected to be zero terminated wide strings.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that this property refers to |
wchar* |
Name |
Name of the property that is to be set |
wchar* |
Value |
Value of the property that is to be set |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetProperty (Handle *job, const char *name, const char *buffer, int size);
This function returns the property values that are currently set into the specified buffer. The returned names and values are zero terminated strings in UTF-8 encoding.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Value |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that this property refers to |
char* |
Name |
Name of the property whose value is to be returned |
char* |
Buffer |
The property’s value that is currently set |
int |
Size |
Maximum buffer length |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetProperty W (Handle *job, const wchar *name, const wchar *buffer, int size );
This function returns the property values that are currently set into the specified buffer. The returned names and values are zero terminated wide strings.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Value |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that this property refers to |
wchar* |
Name |
Name of the property whose value is to be returned |
wchar* |
Buffer |
The property’s value that is currently set |
int |
Size |
Maximum buffer length |
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.2)
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetProgress(Handle* job, char *buffer, size_t size);
Gets percent of recognition progress.
This function fills buffer by the string:
<page_number> <page_count> <page_progress>
- <page_number> number of page processed at the moment<
- <page_count> total page count
- <page_progress> progress for current page
Special values <page_progress>:
- 1 Recognition proces has not started
- 2 Recognition finished successfully
- 3 Recognition cancelled
- 4 Recognition finished with error
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that this property refers to |
char* |
Buffer |
The property’s value that is currently set |
int |
Size |
Maximum buffer length |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobStart(Handle *job);
Starts a CIB ocr-Job.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that is to be started. |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobFree(Handle *job);
This function frees the created CibOcrJobHandle and other resources allocated by CIB ocr.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that is to be terminated |
(From CIB ocr version 2.3.2
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobCancel(Handle* job);
This function stops recognition process.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the job that is to be cancelled |
bool CibOcrGetVersion(unsigned long * iVersion);
This function provides access to the current CIB ocr version number as an integer.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Unsigned long* |
iVersion |
Pointer to the stored product version |
bool exportfunc CibOcrGetVersionText(char *text, long *maxlength);
This function provides access to the current CIB ocr version number as a string.
If no error occurs function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Char* |
Text |
Pointer to character buffer where the version text is stored |
Long* |
maxlength |
Maximum length of version text |
bool exportfunc CibOcrGetVersionTextW(wchar *text, long *maxlength);
This function provides access to the current CIB ocr version number as a string.
If no error occurs function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
wchar* |
Text |
Pointer to character buffer where the version text is stored |
Long* |
maxlength |
Maximum length of version text |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetErrorText(Handle *job, char *text, long *maxlength);
This function returns the error text that is output after executing a function.
If no error occurs the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the current job |
Char* |
Text |
Pointer to the string buffer where the error message text is stored |
Long* |
maxlength |
Maximum length of the error message (size of message buffer) |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetErrorTextW(Handle *job, wchar *text, long *maxlength);
This function returns the error text that is output after executing a function.
If no error occurs the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the current job |
wchar* |
Text |
Pointer to the string buffer where the error message text is stored |
Long* |
maxlength |
Maximum length of the error message (size of message buffer) |
bool exportfunc CibOcrJobGetError(Handle *job, int *ErrorCode);
This function gives access to the current error state of CIB ocr after executing various functions.
If no error occurs, the function result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Type |
Variable |
Description |
Handle* |
Job |
Handle of the current job |
Int* |
Errorcode |
Outputs the current error code |
For all possible error-codes please see the appendix .
12. JNI Interface
CIB ocr also provides a JNI Interface.
In order to
utilize the JNI Interface the three java classes are necessary:,, contains the following methods:
final static native int CibOcrJobCreate(long[] jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobStart(long jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobCancel(long jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobReset(long jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobFree(long[] jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobGetProperty(long jarg1, String jarg2,
byte[] jarg3);
public final static native int CibOcrJobSetProperty(long jarg1, String jarg2,
String jarg3);
public final static native int CibOcrJobGetProgress(long jarg1, byte[] jarg2);
public final static native int CibOcrGetVersion(long[] jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrGetVersionText(byte[] jarg1);
public final static native int CibOcrJobGetError(long jarg1, int[] jarg2);
public final static native int CibOcrJobGetErrorText(long jarg1, byte[] jarg2);
The Methods mentioned above are almost identical to the ones mentioned in c++ (section 9.1) However only the Properties that accept wide characters (for example CibOcrGetVersionTextW) are called within the JNI Interface.
13. Error Codes
error code |
description |
0 |
no error |
9 |
input file not found |
11 |
the function/method has not been implemented |
47 |
buffer too small |
99 |
the specified property name is not supported |
122 |
invalid or missing license |
198 |
unexpected exception |
951 |
Neither image file nor memory address are specified |
952 |
Can not load image file |
953 |
Can not load image from memory |
954 |
Invalid property value |
955 |
Incorrect barcode type. Should be Datamatrix. |
956 |
Can not open file for writing |
957 |
Can not create MODI control |
958 |
MODI recognition failed |
959 |
File not found |
960 |
Can not load tessdll.dll |
961 |
Tesseract recognition failed |
962 |
Image type recognition failed |
963 |
Image type is not supported |
964 |
Can not load cuneiform.dll |
965 |
Cuneiform recognition failed |
966 |
Can not load FineReader FREngine.dll |
967 |
FineReader recognition failed |
968 |
Can not load Omnipage KernelAPI.dll |
969 |
Omnipage recognition failed |
970 |
conversion to output codepage failed |
971 |
Invalid argument |
972 |
Output result error |
973 |
Recognition was cancelled |
974 |
Invalid output format specified |
975 |
Invalid output type specified |
976 |
Preprocessor can't be appiled |
977 |
Invalid recognizer name |
978 |
"DataFolder" or "TESSDATA_PREFIX" should be defined |
979 |
Error during initialization OCR framework |
980 |
Error during text recognition |
981 |
Invalid or unsupported barcode type specified |
982 |
Error during initialization barcode recognition framework |
983 |
Error during barcodes recognition |
984 |
The specified configuration file does not exist |
985 |
The specified configuration file has invalid format |
986 |
Invalid xfdf input specified |
987 |
word recognizer error |
988 |
Path to dictionaries is missing |
989 |
Path to dictionaries is invalid |
990 |
Dictionary not found |
991 |
Unknown input format |
992 |
The HOCR file could not be parsed |
993 |
The HOCR file could not be processed |
14. Trace
In case of unclear error-situations it is possible to create a trace-file:
Property-Name |
Data-Type |
Type |
TraceFilename |
String |
Set |
TraceFilename= <filename>< <filename>= tracename.log
TraceFilename= ocrtrace.log
Environment Variable
The environment-variable CIB_OCRTRACE is set to a filename and the erroneous process is started.
set CIB_OCRTRACE=ocrtrace.log