43. What is the CIB socketserver, what kind of processes starts CIB documentServer?

Every started CIB socketserver opens a TCP socket on a configurable port and listens there as a server. The JEE application CIB documentServer communicates with the socket servers via this port. The processes process several jobs one after the other. They are only restarted on request, optionally cyclically after n requests, or if they have terminated unexpectedly.

The CIB documentServer web application contains a call and management component that maintains and communicates with a configurable number of socket server processes. Automatic restart is implemented as well as queuing, locking, logging and internal load balancing.

The used port range of all started processes is configurable in CIB documentServer. The default configuration uses for example 50000-50009.

The machine should be configured so that only the ports used by GlassFish are visible to the outside. The communication with the ports 500xx remains inside the machine. You can ensure this with a firewall. The native processes run as child processes of the GlassFish VM, i.e. as technical users themselves. This allows you to control access to the file system.