Profile configuration

Site: CIB eLearning
Course: CIB pdf brewer
Book: Profile configuration
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Monday, 14 October 2024, 10:41 PM


In this documentation we have a collection of available options to customize your CIB pdf brewer profile.

You will find related settings on each entry. Divided by topic:

Alternatively, you can find the full list here.

Usage example of settings:
- Set property "Job/Configuration/<setting>" (see API for more info)


List of settings:

Setting Default Type Description
UseTiff false
bool If enabled, output document will be a TIFF file, PDF settings will  be ignored
PdfVersion  20 enum Options: PDF1_3 (13), PDF1_4 (14), PDF1_5 (15), PDF1_6 (16), PDF1_7 (17), PDF1_7EL3 (18), PDF1_7EL8 (19), PDF2_0 (20), PDFA_1a (100), PDFA_1b (101), PDFA_2a (102), PDFA_2b (103), PDFA_2u (104), PDFA_3a (105), PDFA_3b (106), PDFA_3u (107), PDFUA (200)
SaveLocation  1 enum Options: last (0), documents (1), predefined (2), desktop (3)
LastDirectory   string
Note that this settings belong to the global scope, and it is not related with a given profile configuration.
DestinationDirectory   string Output directory
  string Output filename
FileQuery   bool Ask for file destination
FileExistsAction  0 enum Options: save_to_auto_destination (0), replace (1), append (2), prepend (3)




List of settings:

Setting Default Type Description
CompressionProfile 3
enum Recommended option for compression. Options: CompressionNormal (0), CompressionHigher (1), CompressionHighest (2), LossLessJPEG (3), LosslessZIP (4)
CompressionFineTune false bool Currently not available, use CompressionProfile instead


List of settings:

Setting Default Type Description
HideToolbar false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
HideMenubar false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
CenterWindow false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
FitWindow false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
DisplayDocTitle false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
HideWindowUI false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
ShowFormfields false
bool Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
OpenSize 0
enum Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
OpenLayout 0 enum Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
OpenPageIndex 0
int Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
OpenMode 0
enum Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
NonFullScreenPageMode 0
enum Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar
Direction 0
enum Hint for the PDF viewer, to hide the toolbar

Full list of settings

Setting Default Type Description
Author string Sets PDF document information, author
CenterWindow false bool Opens PDF viewer centered if enabled, default value will be used otherwise
CertificateFile string Certificate file
CertificatePassword string Password of the certificate file
CertificatePasswordSetDuringCreation false bool Ask for password when creating output file
Colorspace 0 enum Options: RGB (0), CMYK (1)
ComparableMode false bool TIFF comparable mode
CompressionFineTune false bool Set enable to allow UI manual tweaking of compression features.
CompressionPredefined 1 int Default compression profile. Use CompressionProfile to change compression settings
CompressionProfile 3 enum Options: CompressionNormal (0), CompressionHigher (1), CompressionHighest (2), LossLessJPEG (3), LosslessZIP (4)
CoverFilesList array String list of cover documents
CoverFilesListEnabled false bool If enabled, CoverFilesList are used
DestinationDirectory string Output directory
DestinationFilename <Documentname>.pdf string Output filename
DestinationFilenameSuffix string File name suffix
DestinationFilenameSuffixEnabled false bool If enabled, file name suffix is used
DictionaryWorkSpace dict string Dictionary workspace
Direction 0 enum L2R (0), R2L(1)
DisplayDocTitle false bool Display document title in PDF viewer
EmbedFilenamesEnabled true bool Enable the embedding of files defined in EmbeddedFilesList
EmbeddedFilesList array Array of files to be embedded in the output PDF
EncryptAskForPasswordEnabled false bool Ask for password in UI saving workflow
EncryptEnableAssembling false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnableClipboard false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnableExtract false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnableForms false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnableModifying false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnableNotes false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnablePrinting false bool Encryption permissions
EncryptEnhancedPdfPassword string -
EncryptOwnerPassword string PDF owner password
EncryptOwnerPasswordEnabled false bool Use owner password
EncryptPasswordsConfirmed false bool -
EncryptPasswordSelect string Values "user"/"owner", only show one password input representing either the PDF user or owner password. Requires license (min. ver. 3.10.1)
EncryptUserPassword string PDF user password
EncryptUserPasswordEnabled false bool Use user password
ExecuteProgramAction array Array of ProgramAction objects: {"Program": "...", "Arguments": "..."}
FatturaPADestinationCode 0 string FatturaPA destination code setting
FatturaPAPECDestinatario string FatturaPA recipient setting
FatturaPARecipientIsGovernment false bool FatturaPA recipient is Government setting
FileExistsAction 0 enum Options: save_to_auto_destination (0), replace (1), append (2), prepend (3)
FileQuery true bool Ask for file
FitWindow false bool PDF viewer setting, fit document to window
FontAntialiasing 2 enum Options: Off (0), On (1), Default (2)
FontsEmbedded 0 enum Options: none (0), all (1), selected (2), nostandard (3)
FontsEmbeddedOrNoEmbeddedList string Semicolon separated string of fonts that are not going to be embedded in the PDF
FontsIsEmbeddedOrNoEmbeddedList false bool Enables the usage of FontsEmbeddedOrNoEmbeddedList
FooterFilesList array String list of footer documents
FooterFilesListEnabled false bool If enabled, FooterFilesList are used
ForcePaperLength 297 int Paper height
ForcePaperSize 0 enum Options: None (0), Letter 8 1/2 x 11 inch (1), Legal 8 1/2 x 14 inch (5), Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 inch (7), A0 841 x 1189 mm (255), A1 594 x 841 mm (254), A3 297 x 420 mm (8), A2 420 x 594 mm (66), A3 Extra Traverse 322 x 455 mm (68), A4 210 x 297 mm (9), A5 148 x 210 mm (11), A6 105 x 148 mm (70), B4 250 x 354 mm (12), B4 182 x 257 mm (13), User defined (256)
ForcePaperWidth 210 int Paper width
FormfieldCheckboxBackColor 12632256 int Checkbox background color
FormfieldCheckboxBorderColor 0 int Checkbox border color
FormfieldDropdownBackColor 12632256 int Dropdown background color
FormfieldDropdownBorderColor 0 int Dropdown border color
FormfieldInternalCharCount 1 int Char count
FormfieldTextfieldBackColor 12632256 int Textfield background color
FormfieldTextfieldBorderColor 0 int Textfield border color
FormfieldUseAutoTextHeight false bool Use automatic height
FormfieldUseCheckboxBackColor true bool Use the previously defined checkbox background color
FormfieldUseCheckboxBorder true bool Use the previously defined checkbox border color
FormfieldUseDefaultTextMaxChars true bool Use the default max. number of characters
FormfieldUseDefaultTextWidth true bool Use the default text width
FormfieldUseDropdownBackColor true bool Use the previously defined dropdown background color
FormfieldUseDropdownBorder false bool Use the previously defined border color
FormfieldUseInternalCharCount false bool
FormfieldUseInternalCharCountMaxChars false bool
FormfieldUseTextfieldBackColor true bool Use the previously defined textfield background color
FormfieldUseTextfieldBorder false bool Use the previously defined border color
GraphicColorReduction 0 enum Options: None (0), Automatic (1)
GraphicCompressMethod 0 enum Options: None (0), AutomaticJPEG (1), AutomaticZlibJPEG (2), JPEG (3), ZlibJPEG (4)
GraphicJpegQuality 75 int JPEG quality
GraphicResolution 600 int Target resolution for graphics.
HideMenubar false bool PDF viewer hide menubar
HideToolbar false bool PDF viewer hide toolbar
HideWindowUI false bool PDF viewer hide window UI
HybridOutputEnabled 0 enum Options: Hybrid_disabled (0), Hybrid_enabled (1), Hybrid_ask (100)
HybridPdfSourceFilename string
HybridPdfSourceFilenameUsed string
HybridResourceSharingEnabled true bool
HyperlinkBorder 1 enum Options: None (0), Underlined (1), Frame (2), DashedFrame (3), DottedFrame (4)
HyperlinkBorderColor 0 int
HyperlinkBorderWidth 100 int
InvoiceType 1 enum Options: zugferd1 (0), zugferd2 (1), xrechnung (2), fatturapa (3)
Keywords string
MailBCCRecipient string
MailCCRecipient string
MailNotetext string
MailRecipient string
MailSendImmediate false bool
MailSubject string
MailText string
NonFullScreenPageMode 0 enum Options: UseNone (0), UseOutlines (1), UseThumbs (2), UseOC (3), UseAttachments (4)
OpenLayout 0 enum Options: SinglePage (0), OneColumn (1), TwoColumnLeft (2), TwoColumnRight (3), TwoPageLeft (4), TwoPageRight (5)
OpenMode 0 enum Options: UseNone (0), UseOutlines (1), UseThumbs (2), FullScreen(3)
OpenPageIndex 0 int
OpenSize 0 enum Options: Standard (0), Fit (1), FitH (2)
OutlineFormats {STYLE: heading 1... string
OutlineStyles heading 1 string
OutlineStylesEnabled false bool
PageOrientation 1 enum Options: portrait (1), landscape (2)
PaperBorder 0 enum Options: 0 pt (0), j pt (25), S pt (50), s pt (75), 1 pt (100), 1S pt (150), 2j pt (225), 3 pt (300), 4S pt (450), 6 pt (600)
PaperMarginCenter true bool
PaperMarginLeft 0 int
PaperMarginTop 0 int
PaperScaleHeight 100 int
PaperScaleWidth 100 int
PdfVersion 20 enum Options: PDF1_3 (13), PDF1_4 (14), PDF1_5 (15), PDF1_6 (16), PDF1_7 (17), PDF1_7EL3 (18), PDF1_7EL8 (19), PDF2_0 (20), PDFA_1a (100), PDFA_1b (101), PDFA_2a (102), PDFA_2b (103), PDFA_2u (104), PDFA_3a (105), PDFA_3b (106), PDFA_3u (107), PDFUA (200)
PrintDuplexType 0 enum Options: simple (0), duplexshort (1), duplexlong (2)
PrinterSpecific string

Selecting a fixed profile for a specific printer.

Options: Printer Name

Options fixed: True, false


"PrinterSpecific": {
"CIB pdf brewer 4": {
"Fixed": true,
"SelectedProfile": "f684669a-7233-4c29-98d7-f65036e69bc5"

PrintTargetPrinter string
PrintType 0 enum Options: printerdefault (0), printerdialog (1), printerselected (2)
SaveConversion 0 enum Options: printer (0), rtf (1)
SaveLocation 1 enum Options: last (0), documents (1), predefined (2), desktop (3)
ShowFormfields false bool
SignContactInfo string
SignLocation string
SignReason string
StampEnabled false bool
StampSelected string
StartAction 1 int STARTVIEWER = 0x01;
StartProgram string
StartProgramBefore string
StartProgramParameters string
StartProgramParametersBefore string
StationeryEnabled false bool
StationeryUsed string
Subject string
TiffColorDepth 1 enum Options: Depth24 (0), Depth1 (1), Depth4 (4), Depth8 (2), Depth8Gray (3)
TiffCompress 2 enum Options: None (0), Group3 (1), Group4 (2), RLE (3), LZW (4), Jpeg (5), Packbits (6), Deflate (7)
TiffJpegQuality 75 int
TiffResolution 150 int
TiffStripSize 4 int
Title string
UseEncryptEnhancedPdfPassword false bool
UseHyperlinkRecognition false bool
UseHyphenation 1 enum Options: Always (0), Auto (1) (using hyphenation definitions set by WORD in the RTF document) None (2)
UseMarkup false bool
UseMarkupAsked false bool
UseSignature false bool
UseTiff false bool Use TIFF
UsedTimeStampServer string
WatermarkAsBackground false bool
WatermarkEnabled false bool
WatermarkFilename string
XRechnungPaymentTypeCode TypeCode30 string Options: TypeCode10 (cash payment), TypeCode20 (cheque), TypeCode30 (bank transfer), TypeCode31 (debit transfer non-SEPA), TypeCode42 (payment to bank account), TypeCode48 (electronic purse), TypeCode49 (direct debit), TypeCode57 (standing order), TypeCode58 (SEPA credit transfer), TypeCode59 (SEPA direct debit), TypeCode97 (report / balance between partners)
XRechnungVersion 0 enum Options: XRechnung 1.2.2 (0), 2.0 (1)
ZUGFeRDCreationMethod 1 enum Options: xml (0), markup (1)
ZUGFeRDDeleteAfterEmbedding false bool
ZUGFeRDShowAfterCreation true bool
ZUGFeRDXml string
Zugferd1ConformanceLevel 0 enum Options: basic (0), comfort (1)
Zugferd2ConformanceLevel 0 enum Options: basic (0), comfort (1)
Zugferd2PaymentTypeCode TypeCode30 string Options: TypeCode10 (cash payment), TypeCode20 (cheque), TypeCode30 (bank transfer), TypeCode31 (debit transfer non-SEPA), TypeCode42 (payment to bank account), TypeCode48 (electronic purse), TypeCode49 (direct debit), TypeCode57 (standing order), TypeCode58 (SEPA credit transfer), TypeCode59 (SEPA direct debit), TypeCode97 (report / balance between partners)