CIB documentServer technical documentation (EN)
You can also find the products used in the CIB documentServer on our product overview:
CIB docgenCIB job
CIB documentServer
CIB pdf formserver
CIB docgen
The extensive range of CIB office modules contains the CIB docgen products as a basis, which are dialogue-free and therefore suitable for server use. See the product overview.
The basic functionality available with these modules includes:
CIB merge: Text data integration, conditional text modules, loops over detailed data, report generation, dynamic business graphics, etc.
CIB format/output: Format conversion, PDF generation, direct printing, form generation, dynamic barcodes, etc.
CIB pdf toolbox: Extract text data from PDF forms, merge PDF documents, insert text into PDF afterwards, etc.
CIB pdf formfields: Addition to CIB format/pdf to create corresponding input fields in the PDF output document for placeholders in the input document.
CIB mail: E-mail transmission via SMTP or MAPI
Please find an overview here:
Detailed descriptions of the individual products can be found in the corresponding technical guides.
CIB job
CIB job provides the individual functionality of CIB docgen in a uniform way and extends its call interfaces by a document-oriented, XML-based job processing:
A single XML-based interface,
Transfer of the data for text data integration in XML
No creation of intermediate files,
Script and batch processing
Custom extensions
If an order is given to CIB job (order manager), this component converts the XML job description into the corresponding calls of the executing modules (CIB docgen).
CIB documentServer
For server use of the CIB docgen modules including the job manager CIB job, the software package CIB documentServer supports a large number of different server environments:
Linux, HPUX, IBM AIX, Sun Solaris and further environments
Java, .net, Native,
http, Sockets, RMI
JEE,MQSeries, MTS/COM+, SOAP, OCI and further environments
Siehe hierzu auch den nachfolgenden Abschnitt Nutzungsvarianten.
The CIB documentServer software package offers solutions for the standard requirements
multiple access, parallel processing, queue
scalability, load balancing
platform independence
interfaces, network protocols and
offline usage.
The CIB documentServer standard package contains the conversion for JEE and is specified for all the platforms listed above.
See also usage variants in the following section.
CIB pdf formserver
The CIB formserver is an add-on to the CIB documentServer in the integration layer and is delivered with it.
If PDF forms are filled out by the user with Adobe Reader, the user cannot save the form together with the entered data with the Reader and is his input is not available to the form provider.
With the CIB formserver a PDF document is created that contains the data entered and is displayed to the user.
The data entered can be extracted from the completed form by the CIB documentServer. These are provided as CSV or xfdf.