CIB format technical documentation (EN)

CIB format/output as "document formatter"

Usefull Additional Functionalities

CIB format/output offers - for almost all types of output - useful additional functions to supply the transferred input file with additional information.

Dynamic barcode / barcode application
Dynamic background graphics and watermarks
Form processing, editing partial text, electronic signatures
Dynamic Font replacement

Dynamic barcode / barcode application

With the help of a special property, it is possible to apply a dynamic barcode or barcode to the output document at any point in a document. This is particularly interesting in areas where the content of the bar/bar code is only generated dynamically at runtime and is required for the electronic further processing of the output document (postal lines, inserting machines, archiving, scanning processes, etc.).

For detailed information, please refer to the separate documentation Technical Guide CIBFormatBarcode.

Dynamic background graphics and watermarks

With the help of a special property it is possible to add background graphics or watermarks to any page of the output document.

For detailed information, please refer to the chapter "Using background graphics, logos and watermarks via CIB format/output".

Form processing, editing partial text, electronic signatures

The CIB format/output offers additional options for processing an RTF form or making partial text passages editable via the CIB image or CIB view viewer attachment.

Part of the electronic form is also the possibility of processing electronic signatures using appropriate field placeholders, which can be converted into suitable PDF signature fields, for example. These can then be further processed with appropriate additional tools.

For detailed information, please refer to the separate documentation Technical Guide CIBViewForm, Technical Guide CIBRec and Technical Guide CIBViewSign.

Dynamic Font replacement

The content of the "FontMapping" property can be used to specify a complete replacement of the fonts used in the document with alternative fonts or an exchange of individual font sizes.

Use cases are:

  • Customers with central layouts who want to provide different divisions or clients with the same document content but different typefaces.
  • Use of "foreign" documents that are added to the system and are to be adapted to your own style preferences (e.g. for subscriptions).


To consider:

When using this property, a document can completely change its appearance compared to the original regarding line and page breaks and in the entire font. In this case, there is no support from technical support. Support can, however, be agreed via the template service of CIB Beratung, which is subject to a fee.