CIB DeepER API Documentation (EN)


Plain Text Output

As an alternative, it is possible to receive the OCR result as plain text. For that, in addition to the image, a JSON-File with the key-value-pair {'output_format': 'plain_text'} has to be uploaded. The content-type must be 'application/json'. The naming of the field must be 'json'.

In Python, a client implementation looks like this:

import requests
import json

files = {
    'file': ('image.png', open(r'\path\to\image.png', 'rb'), 
    'json': (None, json.dumps({'output_format': 'plain_text'}),
response ='', files=files, auth=('<>', '<>'))
json_response = response.json()


In this case, the response would be a JSON-Object with three keys:

  • 'image': filename of the original image (String)
  • 'text': This is the recognized text as one String. Line breaks are encoded as '\n'. Backslashes that appear in the original text are escaped through a second backslash.
  • 'versions': Information about the used OCR Engine.

An example OCR Result with plain text output looks like this:

  "image": "schaefer.png",
  "text": "Software Entwicklung\nMünchen",
  "versions": [
      "CIB deepER",