Manual CIB fairBrief

3. CIB fairBrief Portal

3.2. Overview of correspondence

{mlang en} After logging in, an overview of the correspondence sent is displayed. This overview can be sorted according to different criteria. 

The table

Parameter Status

The correspondence has different statuses in the process:

1.Received: The correspondence was successfully received from the CIB fairBrieft server.

2.  Prepared: The correspondence has been prepared for transmission to the print and dispatch service.

3.  Transmitted: The correspondence has been successfully transmitted to the printing and dispatch service.

4.  Failed: The correspondence could not be prepared for transmission to the Printing and Mailing Service due to a technical error.

5. Delivery Error: The correspondence could not be prepared for transmission to the Printing and Mailing Service due to an error in the addressee´s address.


  • 4-digit postal code instead of 5 digits to send your letter within Germany and Spain.
  • The city is missing
  • The city comes before the postcode

6.  Sent: The correspondence was successfully transferred to the delivery service

Job ID

The Job ID uniquely identifies the correspondence in the system and also to the Printing and Mailing Service.


The number of pages, the type of printing (simplex or duplex) and the type of envelope used for each correspondence are displayed.

Date Destination/Created

The two date values are used to display:

1. Created - when the correspondence was received by the CIB fairBrieft server. The date of creation is always the same day or in the past.

2. Target dispatch date - when the correspondence was or will be transmitted from the CIB fairBrieft server to the print and dispatch service. The target date can also be in the future.

File name

For better allocation of print jobs, the file name of the transferred correspondence is also displayed. In this way, additional information can be added to a print job.


The description field can contain additional information.