CIB webRec technical documentation

Integration panel

To push custom controls into CIB webRec, there exists a special panel with buttons which can be configured during runtime. This panel is shown near (or instead of) open and save buttons. These buttons will make CIB webRec perform a function call in enclosing window using the same mechanism.

To configure this panel, you would provide an array of objects into webRec.setIntegrationPanelState. Objects must have following fields:

  key: string,       // Unique ID for this particular button 
  title: string,     // Text that will be shown when button is hovered
  shortcut: string,  // Shortcut for the button. Optional parameter.
  callback: string,  // Path to function to be called when
                     // button is clicked
  icon: string,      // icon name
  disabled: boolean, // True makes the button greyed out
                     // and not clickable
  display: boolean   // False hides the button completely


Supported icons are that of FontAwesome ( Icon name is the CSS class without fa- prefix (fa-cog becomes just cog)

callback should contain a complete path to a function to be called. Functions will be called with no arguments.

window.blockForever = function () {'webRec.blockUI', true)
window.webRecCallbacks = {
  reloadWebRec: function () {'location.reload')
}'webRec.setIntegrationPanelState', [
    key: 'process',
    title: 'Process document',
    callback: 'my_processing_implementation',
    icon: 'icon-check',
    disabled: false,
    display: true
    key: 'reload',
    title: 'Reload editor tab',
    callback: 'webRecCallbacks.reloadWebRec',
    icon: 'icon-refresh',
    disabled: false,
    display: true

Providing a GET parameter onEditorOpen is the best place for CIB webRec initialization, including integration panel. It obeys the same rules as callback property in integration button (a path to zero-argument function).