CIB webRec technical documentation

Configuration file contains all default properties for back-end. This flie is build-in inside webrec.war file. To customize values inside it, please use file which you could place in the /lib/ folder of the Tomcat.


#Path for dict
spellcheck.rootdir          = /dict/

#Path for hunspell-libs
spellcheck.libdir           = /hunspell-libs/
spellcheck.dictionaries     = en_US,de_DE,ru_RU

#Path for fonts
fonts.dir = /fonts/

# 1) First font to be loaded at webRec front-end before to show the new/loaded document
# 2) When "initialFont" is empty "fonts.defaultFontName" is taken as default font inside new document created by webRec
fonts.defaultFontName = Times New Roman

#Usage: Arial Unicode MS,Arial

# Properties of connectors for Remote Document DB
wopiConnector={"class": "de.cib.webrec.backend.service.document.WopiConnector", "url": "http://localhost:8080/webedit/wopi"}
undConnector={"class": "de.cib.webrec.backend.service.document.UNDConnector", "owner": "webrec", "url": "http://localhost:8080/und-service"}
Connector1={"class": "de.cib.webrec.backend.service.document.MockStorageConnector", "param1": "Connector1param1", "param2": "Connector1param2"}
Connector2={"class": "de.cib.webrec.backend.service.document.MockStorageConnector", "param1": "Connector2param1", "param2": "Connector2param2"}



This property specifies a font name which will be used on following 3 scenarios:

1.     Specifies a font which will be used by default when you create a new document with webRec (start webRec without loading of any document).

2.     Specifies first font which will be loaded before showing webRec document. When this font is loaded, webRec will be shown and empty document will be rendered with this font only. Then in background all other fonts (see fonts.dir property in file) will be downloaded and used inside the document. You could see this with https://localhost/webrec/examples/fullScreenDemo.html

3.     Specifies font which should be used for all used fonts in the document that are not available at server (see fonts.dir property in file)