Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Symbols in toolbar cannot be removed, something with “increase” und “decreaseIndent”

To remove controls/groups in toolbar you could use

webRec.removeElements([‘id1’, ‘id2’…])

The list of all available element ids inside toolbar could be retrieved by calling:

1. webRec.listStandardControlNames() – list of all standard buttons. Output:

09:19:38.928 (35) ["open", "save", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "subscript",
"superscript", "fontColor", "highlightColor", "undo", "redo", "fontName", "fontSize",
"indent", "outdent", "lineSpacing", "alignLeft", "alignCenter", "alignRight", "alignJustify",
"borders", "backgroundColor", "paragraphProperties", "editTabStops", "breaks",
"pageColor", "pageProperties", "insertTable", "showFormattingCharacters", "hyphenation",
"spellcheck", "locale", "bulletedList", "numberedList"]

2. webRec.listStandardGroupNames() – list of standard button groups. Output:

(10) ["fileOptions", "fontStyleOptions", "undoRedoOptions", "fontFaceOptions", "listOptions",
"paragraphOptions", "breakingSymbolsOptions", "sectionOptions", "tableOptions", "miscOptions"]

To remove controls from context menu, you could use:

webRec.removeControlsInContextMenu([‘id1’, ‘id2’…])

The list of all available ids inside context menu could be retrieved by calling:

webRec.listControlsInContextMenu(), Output:

09:21:35.805 (19) ["open", "save", "undo", "redo", "increaseIndent", "decreaseIndent",
"restartNumbering", "continueNumbering", "font", "paragraph", "page", "insertRowAbove",
"insertRowBelow", "insertColumnLeft", "insertColumnRight", "deleteRows",
"deleteColumns", "tableProperties", "license"]