Usage of CIB modules on Android Technical Guide (EN)

4. Showcase

4.2. Setting the licence

The license was already set for you in the showcase by us.

If no license has been set by us, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open the module „showcase“.
  2. Open the "res" folder.
  3. Open the file „strings.xml“.
  4. You now see the string variables with the names:
    • cibOcrLicenseCompany
    • cibOcrLicenseKey
    • cibPdfToolboxLicenseCompany
    • cibPdfToolboxLicenseKey
  5. Set as value the licenses provided by us.
  6. If you also want to test our server-bound text recognition with DeepER, the values for the following string variables must also be set:
    • cibOcrDeeperUrlProduction
    • cibOcrDeeperProductionAuthentication