Words and sentences

Use your gut in the moment = Utiliza tu instinto en el momento

I never felt depleted = Nunca me sentí agotado

Yearn to tell = Anhelo de contar

Wisdom = sabiduría

Fulfillment = Cumplimiento

Janitor = Conserje

Clerck = secretario, funcionario

Boundaries = Límites

Fate = destino

She folds them in a tin can and she buries them under a rock = Las dobla en una lata y las entierra bajo una roca

Beats her = la golpea

To thine own self be true = A tu propio ser, sé fiel a ti mismo

Abides = mantenerse

Take over = tomar el control

Stuck up = atascado

Haughty = Soberbia

Prancing down = brincando hacia abajo

Max out = maximizar

Seamless = sin fisuras

Stumble = tropezar

Setbacks = contratiempos

You hit a dead end = se llega a un callejón sin salida

Failure = fallo

Surrendering yourself = Entregarse a sí mismo

Blueprint = proyecto

Bricks = ladrillos

Every thread count of the sheets = Cada hilo de las sábanas

Dorm matroms = dormitorios de estudiantes

Sob = sollozar

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