CIB merge technical documentation (EN)
6. Call parameters in detail
6.66. Parameter --target-directory
The parameter--target-directory determines the directory for the data and output files.setzt das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem CIB merge die übergebenen Dateien sucht.
In addition to the directory for the data and output files --target-directory, the --source-directory parameter can be used to specify a path where the root block and further RTF blocks can be searched.
--source-directory is relative to --target-directory, but can also be specified absolutely. So for multithreaded applications the same input directory --source-directory but different output/logdirectories --target-directory can be specified for each thread.
Here --target-directory is used to specify the directory for the CSV files, the output directory is set directly with --outputfile. Without explicit path specification with --outputfile, the result would also be written to --target-directory. The usage of the parameter is illustrated in the example Templates.
--target directory always sets the same --source directory, if --target directory comes after --source directory, the --source directory is overwritten.