Nutzung der Dokumentenaustauschplattform
Customer management with an interface for the management of end users
- Customers and accesses for end users can be created, edited or deleted via the administration interface of the customer management.
- It is important that a customer can have 1-n accesses.
A specialist user can create new customers in the system. He can choose whether the customer type is a person or a company.
All customers are displayed via the menu item Customer overview.
The following function is available in the customer administration: Create a new customer - a new customer is created via the "Add customer" button.
If a customer is created, depending on the type of customer, different data on the customer is recorded and then the registration process for an account is started.
- All mandatory fields must be filled in
- The e-mail address and optionally the mobile phone number are recorded.
- When the data is saved, the end user receives an e-mail with a link to the registration and optionally a registration code via SMS if the mobile phone number has been stored.
- The SMS code uses only unique characters e.g. O & 0 (capital O and zero) or l & I (lower case L and capital i).
Functions to manage a client within the Client Data menu item in the client context.
- Customer data in the customer context:
- The customer data can be edited in the overview. The data is saved via the Save button.
- Delete customer permanently - this button can be used to delete a customer including all business transactions.
- Authorisations in the customer context:
- In the authorisations, you can see at a glance which end user has access, which specialist user has access to the customer and whether a specialist user is entered as an additional processor for individual business transactions. The following functions are available:
- Create new access - a new access can be created via this button next to the Accesses entry. All mandatory fields must be filled in. Several accesses can be created for each customer. The accesses see all business transactions assigned to the customer.
- The activity status shows whether the end user has already activated his access, i.e. registered on the platform.
- Determine
administrator - via this button next to the entry Administrator, one or more
specialist users can be selected who are authorised to see and process the
business transactions of the customer.
- Determine
additional processors - this button next to the entry Additional processors can
be used to select one or more specialist users who are authorised to view and
process selected business transactions of the customer.
- Remove
authorisation - this button can be used to remove selected accesses,
administrators and additional agents. The button is only displayed when at
least one item from the respective group has been selected.