CIB merge technical documentation (EN)

12. Annex

12.4. Trace possibilities

By optionally setting environment variables in your system environment, you can perform a trace run with our components on demand. The corresponding log files are generated in the desired directory, which can be very helpful for our support.

Setting trace file with environment variables

The trace file will be deleted and rewritten when CIB merge is retriggered. For server applications we recommend the patching of the CIB merge dll described below.

For the trace output please set the environment variable:

CIB_MRGTRACE = <path + filename> (e.g. CIB_MRGTRACE=c:\temp\mrg.log)

For older CIB merge versions (up to 3.7.64), the environment variable is CIB_TRACE.

CIB_TRACE = <path + filename> (z.B. CIB_TRACE=c:\temp\mrg.log)

If in doubt, simply set both environment variables.

Patching trace file directly in the dll

You can also patch the trace output directly in the CIB merge dll, this is especially interesting for server applications where CIB merge is always attracted and the trace file would otherwise grow more and more. If the trace output is set by patch, the trace file is deleted after each error-free merge job.

Open the file with a hex editor and search for "EXTERN_CIB_TRACE". Start one character before "EXTERN_CIB_TRACE" and enter the path and name of the trace file in overwrite mode, e.g. c:\temp\cibmrgtrace.txt. This feature is available in CIB merge version 3.7.84d.