CIB merge technical documentation (EN)

6. Call parameters in detail

6.62. Parameter --set


Sets a variable that can be used in RTF text templates. If this variable is also available in the data supply (CSV, XML), this value from the supplied data stream is used with priority.



The variable "XmlFilename" is set to the value "data.xml". This variable can be queried in the RTF-modules.

The usage of this parameter is described in the example Serial Letter.


This parameter can also be used several times for a merge call.

Calling examples

  • CIB runshell

Cibrsh .....-m–set=Vorname=Hans -m–set=Nachname2=Wurst.......

  • CIB merge with parameter file

# setze Vorname auf Hans
# setze Nachname auf Wurst

  • CIB merge from JAVA

t_MergeJob.setProperty("--set=Vorname=", "Hans");
t_MergeJob.setProperty("--set=Nachname=", "Wurst")