CIB ocr technical manual (EN)
3. Usecase: Calling CIB OCR via CIB runshell
In the following example, a QR-code from a .jpg image file is processed by CIB ocr and output in a .txt textfile.
First a valid license is set and tracing is activated. To recognize the QR-code, the properties “BarcodeType” and “Recognize” have to be set accordingly. Then the output filename and the output directory are set. CIB ocr is called via the command “–oc ”, followed by the input filename of the .jpg image that is to be processed.
All properties used in this call are described in more detail in chapters 4 to 6.
CIB runshell can be called directly via command line in the appropriate directory, or via a batch script.
Cibrsh.exe LicenseCompany=“Example Company“ LicenseKey=“xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx“ TraceFilename=”trace.log” BarcodeType=QR Recognize=BarcodeRecognizer BarcodeOutputFilename=”./output/CIB_web.jpg.txt” –oc “./input/CIB_web.jpg”
This is the QR Code as JPG file:
The output textfile contains the following text: