UI customization

All the settings under this section require a valid license. These settings should be set inside the global configuration file or the printer configuration file. The settings won't be overriden by settings made by a user in a user configuration file.

Setting Default TypeDescription
HeaderLogoLinkVisibility  true  bool If disabled, it blocks the links to our landing page from the CIB pdf brewer logo (starting 4.0)
EditProfilesVisibility   true  bool If disabled, it hides the option to edit a profile. Affects main converter window and printer settings window.
EditGlobalsVisibility   true  bool If disabled, it hides the option to edit global settings from the main converter window and printer settings window.


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu for entering the license.


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu of update settings.


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu of print statistics.


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu of CIB pdf brewer’s extensions.


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu of CIB pdf brewer’s Addins. Min. version 4.9.0


 true  bool If disabled, it hides the submenu of proxy settings.
EditAttachmentsVisibility  true  bool If disabled, the option to add attachments in the main converter window will be hidden.
EditDocumentInformationVisibility  true  bool If disabled, the option to add custom metadata in the main converter window will be hidden.
SaveShareVisibility  true  bool  If disabled, the option to “save and share” in the main converter window will be hidden.
SkipPostOptionSecurityVisibility true bool If disabled, the "skip" button in the post-option security page will be hidden. Min. version 3.10.1. This setting belongs to a profile configuration, not the global scope.
PdfSecurityPermissionsVisibility true bool If disabled, the "PDF permissions" panel of the security page will be hidden. Min. version 3.10.1. This setting belongs to a profile configuration, not the global scope.


true bool If disabled, the "AI Compression" panel of the Compression page in Profile Editor will be hidden, and therefore, Expert compression settings will be the only available. Min. version 4.3.0.


true bool If disabled, the CIB deepER OCR engine option of the Text Recognition page in Profile Editor will be hidden, and therefore, Tesseract OCR engine will be the only available. Min. version 4.4.0.


 empty   string  Adds a custom text subtitle in the main converter window.


 empty  string  Application color can change according to this setting. The string must be in HTML hex format (#RRGGBB).
CtxMenuEncryptionEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for encryption and decryption.
CtxMenuCompressionEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for compression.
CtxMenuDoxisafeEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for CIB doXisafe.
CtxMenuFairbrieftEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for CIB fairBrieft.
CtxMenuMergeSplitEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for merge & split.
CtxMenuGlobalEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry to access global settings.
CtxMenuConvertEnabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for PDF conversion.
CtxMenuConvertPdfa3Enabled  true   bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for PDF/A3 conversion.
CtxMenuConvertOCREnabled  true  bool  Shows or hide context menu entry for text recognition. Min. version 4.6.0.
ShowSaveInSameDirectory  true   bool  Shows or hide "save in same directory" option in save dialogue.
ApplicationName  empty  string  Transferring an alternative printer name for save dialogues.
TraceFilename  empty  string  If set to a file path, traces are active and written to the specified file path. E.g. "TraceFilename": "D:\\CIB pdf brewer\\Logs"
ShowEInvoiceWizard  true  bool Addin property: Shows or hide EInvoice Wizard group from Ribbon. Min. version 4.3.0.
ShowFormsGroup   true  bool Addin property: Shows or hide Forms group from Ribbon. Min. version 4.3.0.
AddinCreatePdf   true  bool Addin property: Shows or hide "Create PDF" individual button from Ribbon. Min. version 4.3.0.
AddinHybrid   true  bool Addin property: Shows or hide "Create Hybrid PDF" individual button from Ribbon. Min. version 4.3.0.
PdfUAEnabled  true  bool Addin property: Shows or hide "Create PDF/UA" individual button from Ribbon. Min. version 4.3.0.
Themes  empty  string Themes or colors for the CIB pdf brewer can be defined here. The themes and colors can also be used for CIB fairBrief. More information at the bottom of this page
DoxisafeIntegration  true  bool Shows or hides CIB doXisafe options for the entire application
DoxiviewIntegration  true  bool Shows or hides CIB doXiview options. The CIB doXiview opener (Open with) can be disabled with /SkipOpenWithDoxiview parameter on installation.
FairbriefIntegration  true  bool Shows or hides CIB fairBrief options

Advanced user restrictions settings

AllowUpdates true bool This setting can block any attempt of program update, and it belongs to the first level of the configuration (json) file. It is not recommended to disable updates, we are constantly working for our customers and improving the product
Editable true bool This setting belongs to each profile main level. The profile editor window will warn and block any attempt of change if this setting is set to false. This setting will also block any manual change made to the profile in the user’s application data configuration.

Locking specific features

Besides the self-locking settings for UI customization showed above, CIB pdf brewer has a mechanism of locking specific features. For this, we will have to add a suffix to the setting we want to block. 


"PdfVersion.Locked": 17

In the example, we lock the PDF version setting (fixed to PDF 1.7). If a user attempts to change it, a warning stating that the feature is locked will appear.

Define themes and colors

Example for defining alternative colors in the CIB pdf brewer client:

"Theme": {
	"Predefined": "Light",
	"AccentBaseColor": "#99E827",
	"BackgroundColor": "#D0DEE3",
	"BlackColor": "#000000",
	"DarkGreyColor": "#006C6E",
	"HighlightColor": "#3CA80D",
	"LightGreyColor": "#033B4A",
	"MiddleLightGreyColor": "#008285",
	"WhiteColor": "#E8ECEF"


CIB fairBrief

Themes and colors can also be defined in the fairBrief Client. Values and structure here are identical to the definition in the CIB pdf brewer client. The values for fairBrief must be entered in the CIB pdf brewer configuration file.

Define Addin properties

Example for defining properties for the CIB pdf brewer Addin ribbon:

"Addin": {
	"ShowEInvoiceWizard": false,
	"ShowFormsGroup": false,
	"AddinCreatePdf": false,
	"AddinHybrid": true,
	"PdfUAEnabled": true



An example for usage of a configuration file 

	"LicenseCompany": "...",
"LicenseKey": "...",
"EditProfilesVisibility": false,
"EditGlobalsVisibility": false,
"EditGlobalsLicenseVisibility": false,
"EditGlobalsUpdateVisibility": false,
"EditGlobalsStatisticVisibility": false,
"EditGlobalsExtensionsVisibility": false,
"EditAttachmentsVisibility": false,
"EditDocumentInformationVisibility": false,
"SaveShareVisibility": false,
"MainUISubtitle": "Ideen mit System",
"UIColorMain": "#74AF83",
"Profiles": {
"6788669a-5233-4c29-94d7-f55036e67bc5": {
"Name": "Unique profile",
"Description": "You can only use this profile",
"Editable": false,
"Configuration": {
"CompressionProfile": 1,
"PdfVersion.Locked": 14